YodaFett's Custom Figure and Vehicle Emporium

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Most of my customs seem a little simplified, this is for two reasons. One I wanted the vehicles to be along the lines of the original Kenner and Hasbro products as far as accessory or paint detail. The second is I am always stressed for time working on these.  The TIE Interceptor which took about 24 hours to due was spaced out over 6 weekends as an example.  Also I wanted to note that most of my collection and customs are made for one group of people, the Spec Force troopers and pilots of both sides of the galactic conflict which we use with the West End Games Role-playing System.  If you have any questions or comments email me at bauer@fastlane.net.


Rogue Squadron

Tycho Celchu

Corran Horn

Ooryl Quygg

Wes Janson

Derek "Hobbie" Klivian

Nawara Ven

Aril Nunb

Wraith Squadron

Voort "Piggy" saBinring

Elassar Targon

Myn Donos



Corran Horn's X-wing

A simple repaint following what was laid out by Michael Stackpole,  I have also created a custom Corran Horn that I going to redo with a better head currently just a boil an pop with an A-Wing pilot body and a Biggs head.

NEW Z-95 Headhunter

Made out of a old X-wing and A-wing fighter based on the Aaron Wyant's design and recipe at www.ffurg.com. Slated to be the head of a Pirate band made up of it, an X-Tie, Die-Wing, and Y-Tie along with an old freighter.(/p)

Assault Landing Craft

This is actually my first Star Wars custom dating back to about 92 or so.  It is of course made out of Star Trek Goddard Shuttle.  I cut out the pilot chair, took out the electronics, and the rear jump seats. Then glued the jump seats in an L shape and added a couple of polystyrene strips and glued in for two seat cockpit.  Next added the guns of a G.I.JOE Triple T tank.  The top was originally made to hole the top of turret from the Turret and Probot set when I was using it as a Rebel Tank but I decide to take it off and am waiting for a side cannon of the the Outrider for a replacement.  The interior is actually spacious enough to hold to of the Mini-Rig light tanks or a decent squad of troops.  I look forward to making something similar as an assault shuttle for my Spec Force Marines

YT-1300 Transport

Not yet finished, but a creation I long wanted to do.  This is the personal transport for of a group of Spec Force assault troopers I role-play with.  I got tired of looking like they stole the Falcon.  I started by taking the ship completely a part.  I then  took out the electronic and using my dremal took out the battery holders so that I know have a decent smuggling compartment.  Next I took out the cannon assembly and cut out the divider between the chess table and the old smuggling compartment.  Then after contemplating on how to do it I decided to change the cockpit (actually wanted to change it so for a B-wing ugly I am currently assembling parts for.)  I cut out the old cockpit and used insulation foam along with strip styrene to fill in the hole.  I then to the front of a B-wing cockpit and glued it in between the mandibles.  Then to keep the look of a YT-1300, I glued the curved top piece that I cut out the top of the ship leading up to the top of the cockpit with insulation foam and strip styrene used for filler.  I then painted all but the side trim piece adobe.  I still plan to apply decals and want to add guns to both sides but am waiting for the perfect mounts to come along.

Tie Bomber

Inspired by Roger Wilsdorf, I created my own TIE bomber and added a functioning hatch.  Two thing changed from his base design. One was I used two lower hulls of old TIE fighters (I swear those thing breed inside the closet) for the front of cockpit capsule.  For bomber side I just used an 3" end cap that I cut off for its front, less detailed yes but also less trouble. I also added the cockpit from the gunner station  inside. I did notice something after going back through the ESB that everyone including all customizer I have seen, Galoob, WEG, and even Lucasarts Games, the only one who has gotten it right was Kenner on the first di-cast toy.  and that is that the hull should be significantly short by about  3 inches in the rear.  I plan to correct this when I get a chance.


Tie Interceptor

My best custom to date as far as detail is concerned.  Both the wings on this and the entire hull of my Tie Bomber were painted Rustolem Country Blue (I told you I had little time)  since out of the can it is a direct match to the re-released Tie Fighter and give my squadron symmetry.

Century Tank (Tie Crawler)

A very simple custom using the left over Darth Vader Tie Fighter hull from the Tie Interceptor.  Based off the Dark Horse Comics, I made the tracks out of a 1 x 8 oak and used the clips from the wings so the tracks are detachable if need be.  I want added tread but what I found that I want to use will cost me $45 which I am going to look more before going ahead.  Actually think that the guns and rockets from Darth Vader Tie Fighter look better here than on his ship.

X-Tie Fighter

One of my first 2 uglies (the second was a death seed that I am redoing) I decided that some rebel engineer finally decided to overcome some of the defects associated with uglies when crating some for a underground squadron (ala Wraith though the ship was created prior to any of their novels coming out)  By cutting out the front notch pilot visibility is not reduced and mounting at 90 degrees from normal the ship maintains a lower profile.  I used strip styrene tubing for the cross piece and built new engines. Other than painting the solar panels, I plan not to paint any uglies since they are suppose to be created from wrecked vehicles.

TIE-Wing (Die-Wing)

An afternoon project, just a simple cut and glue.  current working on a Y-Tie ugly and a B-wing with either a Tie or Falcon cockpit and X-wing S-foils.  I might make it a Tie Bomber hull for variety.

Y-Tie Fighter (Coming Soon)

Freighter (Coming Soon)

A freighter I building for Talon Karde or  maybe for my pirate group I am building my Uglies for.